Hi there#
After spending my free time exploring new front-end libaries available in GoHugo I came across a great tool called SASS.
The great thing about Sassy CSS is the ability to create functions inside your scss file (css).
Official SASS Documentation:#
For GoHugo Users:#
To get started using SCSS in Gohugo in four simple steps#
- Create/Move ‘asset’ folder to the root of your project. This can also be nested in your resources folder if you have the following in your config file
assetDir = "resources/assets"
Create a folder called ‘sass’ inside the asset folder. This is where you will put your scss file containing the the css/scss code.
Create a file inside sass ‘main.scss’. This is the file that will be compiled when gohugo detects changes in the scss file.
Include in your head.html partial the following,
{{ $style := resources.Get "sass/main.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.Minify }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.Permalink }}">
Please make sure the file name matches the filename given in the code above!
Examples of SCSS#
See the Pen flat shadow over text by Jared Lynskey (@jared-lynskey) on CodePen.