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Synchronizing Frontend and Backend Development through OpenAPI

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Jared Lynskey
Jared Lynskey
Emerging leader and software engineer based in Seoul, South Korea
Table of Contents
OpenApi - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, synchronicity between frontend and backend teams can significantly expedite project timelines. One proven method to enhance this synchronicity is to design an OpenAPI schema before diving into backend development. This article explores the rationale and process behind this approach.

The Traditional Approach

Traditionally, backend teams would begin by designing and implementing the API. Once the API endpoints are functional, frontend teams would start integrating them. This sequential methodology often leads to delays, as frontend developers must wait for the backend to be ready.

The Synchronous Approach

With the synchronous approach, both teams start working almost simultaneously. The backbone of this approach is the OpenAPI schema. Before any code is written, the API’s structure, endpoints, and expected responses are defined. This provides a clear contract between the frontend and backend, allowing both to work in tandem.

The Benefits

  1. Clarity and Vision: An upfront API schema establishes a clear understanding of the feature’s requirements and how it will function.
  2. Parallel Development: Frontend developers can start working on the UI/UX while the backend is still in the development phase.
  3. Faster Iterations: As both teams have a contract to adhere to, changes can be incorporated more swiftly and smoothly.
  4. Improved Testing: Mock servers can be set up based on the OpenAPI schema, enabling frontend testing even before the backend is ready.

The Process

  1. Requirement Gathering: Like any project, begin by understanding the feature’s requirements and objectives.
  2. Schema Design: Use the OpenAPI specification to define all endpoints, request-response models, authentication methods, and error codes.
  3. Review and Feedback: Both frontend and backend teams should review the schema to ensure it caters to their needs and potential issues are addressed.
  4. Mock Servers: Tools like Swagger or Postman can generate mock servers from the OpenAPI schema. Frontend developers can use these servers to test and integrate.
  5. Backend Development: With a clear roadmap in hand, backend developers can start implementing the API endpoints.
  6. Integration and Testing: As backend endpoints become available, they can replace the mock servers. Continuous testing ensures the contract is adhered to and reduces integration issues.
  7. Feedback Loop: Regular communication between teams can identify potential enhancements or issues early in the process.

Potential Challenges

While this approach offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges:

  • Upfront Investment: Drafting an extensive OpenAPI schema upfront can be time-consuming.
  • Change Management: Any change in requirements might necessitate a revision of the schema, which could affect both frontend and backend.
  • Overhead: Both teams need to be familiar with OpenAPI and the tools used.


The OpenAPI-first approach to software development aims to bridge the gap between frontend and backend teams. By providing a clear contract through the OpenAPI schema, both teams can work simultaneously, reducing development time and fostering a more collaborative environment. While challenges do exist, the benefits in terms of speed, clarity, and efficiency often outweigh the initial overhead. As the software industry continues to evolve, practices that promote swift and efficient development will always be in demand.

OpenApi - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article