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Understanding Spikes in Agile Software Development

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Jared Lynskey
Jared Lynskey
Emerging leader and software engineer based in Seoul, South Korea
Table of Contents

In the dynamic world of Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum, the concept of a “spike” frequently arises. But what exactly is a spike, and how does it integrate into Agile processes?

What is a Spike?

A spike is a designated task that’s set within a specific time frame to answer particular questions or explore solutions to problems. Unlike standard user stories or tasks that lead to tangible outputs or code, spikes are centered on research, exploration, and design. Their main purpose is to equip the team with necessary knowledge to mitigate uncertainties and potential risks.

Why are Spikes Important?

  • Addressing Uncertainties: In complex projects, it’s often impossible to foresee every issue from the outset. Spikes provide a deep dive into these challenges, whether they are uncertainties or technical obstacles, helping teams uncover vital answers.

  • Informing Decision Making: Insights from spikes play a crucial role in steering a team’s strategy, ensuring decisions are backed by thorough research and exploration.

A Framework for Conducting Spikes:

  1. Definition:

    • Title: Provide a concise name.
    • Objective/Purpose: State the reason for the spike.
    • Scope: Define the boundaries of the investigation.
    • Duration: Spikes are time-boxed, often within a sprint’s timeframe.
  2. Research & Exploration:

    • Data Gathering: Collect relevant information.
    • Prototyping: Create basic models to test concepts.
    • Consultation: Engage with experts or team members.
    • Experimentation: Test hypotheses or solutions.
  3. Documentation:

    • Findings: Record learnings.
    • Recommendations: Suggest next steps based on findings.
    • Risks & Challenges: Identify potential pitfalls or challenges.
  4. Review:

    • Presentation: Share results with stakeholders.
    • Feedback: Gather insights and reactions.
    • Backlog Adjustments: Modify the project backlog based on findings.
  5. Closure:

    • Integration: Incorporate knowledge into the team’s workflow.
    • Retrospection: Reflect on the process and make improvements for future spikes.

The Role of Assumptions in Spikes

It’s crucial to outline any assumptions at the start of a spike. These assumptions act as the foundational ideas that guide the investigation. Clearly stating these helps:

  • Set a clear baseline for the spike.
  • Highlight potential risks early.
  • Clarify the context of the spike’s outcomes for all involved parties.


Spikes are critical in Agile development for their role in fostering research and learning. They provide a structured way to address uncertainties, ensuring teams not only build things right but build the right things. As Agile methodologies emphasize flexibility and continuous improvement, spikes become indispensable tools to manage the complexities of modern software development.