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Orval: Simplifying Teamwork Between Website Builders and Server Developers

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API Development Orval frontend Backend Teamwork Efficiency
Jared Lynskey
Jared Lynskey
Emerging leader and software engineer based in Seoul, South Korea
OpenApi - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article

Orval: Making It Easier for Website Builders and Server Developers to Work Together

When building websites or apps, the people creating the visuals and interactions (frontend developers) need to work closely with those who handle data and server-side logic (backend developers). Orval is a tool that helps these two groups collaborate better, making the whole process smoother and faster.

What Is Orval?

Orval is a tool that helps automate some of the tedious parts of web development, especially when it comes to connecting the frontend and backend parts of a project. It uses the plans or blueprints (API specifications) to create code automatically, which means less manual work and fewer mistakes.

Cool Things About Orval:

  • Automatic Code Creation: Orval can automatically create the code needed for the frontend to talk to the backend, based on the project’s blueprints.
  • Work Together in Real-Time: Frontend and backend developers can work simultaneously, not having to wait for one another to finish a task.
  • Less Guesswork: Since Orval ensures that everyone is using the same blueprint, there are fewer mix-ups and errors.

Benefits for Website Builders (Frontend Developers)

  1. Start Work Sooner: Website builders can start creating the site’s look and feel even if the server-side isn’t ready yet, using Orval to create a dummy server.
  2. Fewer Errors: Automatic code generation means website builders don’t have to manually write code to connect to the server, reducing mistakes.
  3. Quicker Integration: Connecting the visual part of the website to the server data becomes faster with Orval’s help.

Benefits for Server Developers (Backend Developers)

  1. Clear Guidelines: Orval uses the API specifications as a single source of truth, so server developers know exactly what the frontend needs.
  2. Concentrate on Core Work: They can focus more on building the server logic without being interrupted to clarify things for the frontend team.
  3. Immediate Feedback: If the website part is tested against the dummy server, server developers get quick insights to adjust the API if needed.

Working Together With Orval

  1. Start With a Plan: The backend team defines what data and services the frontend will need using API specifications.
  2. Build Independently: Using Orval, the frontend team can work with a mock server, allowing them to progress without the final backend.
  3. Sync Up Easily: Orval makes sure that any changes in the plan are reflected on both ends, keeping everyone in sync.
  4. Improve Together: Both teams can quickly test and refine their work, making the final product better and built faster.


Orval is like a bridge that helps the people building the visual part of the website and those working on the server to understand each other better and work more efficiently. It reduces the manual work, minimizes errors, and allows both teams to focus on what they do best, resulting in faster and better web projects.

OpenApi - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article